Written by Colleen of Raising Lifelong Learners for BookShark
Are you thinking about homeschooling? New to the idea? Not sure where to start? Homeschooling is growing in popularity for so many reasons: schools are cutting services, special needs aren’t met, the ever-increasing focus on testing… these scenarios and others are driving more and more parents to pull their kids out of traditional school settings and keep them home for their education.
The important thing to remember, as you jump into homeschooling your kids, is that you CAN do it. Nobody knows and loves your kids like you do. There is simply nobody better equipped to teach your kids than you.
As you begin your homeschooling journey, there are some things to remember. These tips will help you clarify your thinking as you start making decisions about how you’re going to teach your kids, and what you’ll want them to learn. Read more here!