Modern Schooler picks 3 favs for December

Kris Bales from Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers is quickly becoming one of our favorite bloggers! Her site says she is the quirky, Christ-following, painfully honest voice behind Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She and her husband of over 25 years are parents to three amazing kids – one high schooler and two homeschool grads – and one son-in-law. Kris has a pretty serious addiction to sweet tea and Words with Friends. She also seems intent on becoming the crazy cat lady long before she’s old and alone.

Chelsea Gonzales from
Wonder Wherever We Wander made our list because we love the unique way they are doing schooling! Who wouldn’t want to travel the country and do school along the way! Chelsea says, “I am a

Susan from The Sparrow’s Home rounds out our December list because she is more than just a schooling blog. She also incorporates an entire series of family topics that can be used by all families, not just homeschoolers. Susan is a former teacher turned homeschooler, married to her favorite person, and says she is blessed far more than she deserves. We love her motto of
“Life is hard. God is good. We need each other.”